Communities and Collections
Shown below is a list of communities and the collections and sub-communities within them. Click on a name to view that community or collection home page.
Kathmandu University School of Education (KUSOED) 242
KUSOED repositories stores important information from its various research departments. This includes academic journals, theses, dissertations, and other collections. If you have any queries, please contact the KUSOED Library.
Working Papers [0]
Department of Development Education 90
Articles [0]
Book Chapters [0]
JER Journal [0]
Policy Briefs [0]
Projects [0]
Research Reports [0]
Working Papers [0]
Department of Educational Leadership 45
Articles [0]
Book Chapters [0]
Journals [0]
Policy Briefs [0]
Projects [0]
Research Reports [0]
Department of Language Education 55
Articles [0]
Book Chapters [0]
Journals [0]
Policy Briefs [0]
Projects [0]
Bachelor 0
Department of STEAM Education 41
Articles [0]
Book Chapters [0]
Journals [0]
Policy Briefs [0]
Projects [0]
Research Reports [0]
Bachelor 0
Kathmandu University School of Engineering (KUSoE) 0
This is a community for School of Engineering, Kathmandu University for Academic writings.
Articles [0]
This is a collection of articles from School of Engineering, Kathmandu University. -
Dissertations [0]
This is a collection of dissertations from School of Engineering, Kathmandu University. -
Theses [0]
This is a collection of theses from School of Engineering, Kathmandu University.
Kathmandu University School of Management (KUSoM) 3
This is a community for School of Management, Kathmandu University for Academic writings.
Articles [0]
This is a collection of articles from School of Management, Kathmandu University. -
Dissertations [0]
This is a collection of dissertations from School of Management, Kathmandu University. -
Project Works [1]
This is a collection of Project Works conducted at Kathmandu University School of Management. -
Thesis [2]
A collection of theses from School of Management, Kathmandu University.
Kathmandu University School of Science (KUSoS) 0
This is a community for School of Science, Kathmandu University for Academic writings.
Articles [0]
This is a collection of articles from School of Science, Kathmandu University. -
Dissertations [0]
This is a collection of dissertations from School of Science, Kathmandu University. -
Theses [0]
This is a collection of theses from School of Science, Kathmandu University.